The #1 Car in Africa

Some hard-to-swallow painful-truths from "The Capitalist Nigger"👇
This world is nothing but a jungle – whether it is that of animals or that of men. It is the survival of the fittest. The strong shall inherit the earth, the weak shall perish. That is the way of the Capitalist Nigger.

Being a Capitalist Nigger does not involve asking for a separate land area for Black people; it does not involve asking all Caucasians to get out of Africa; it does not involve asking others to stop doing business in our neighborhoods. It is not about calling people names. It is not about taking up arms to slaughter innocent people. However, if we agree to the Biblical teaching that all men are created equal, then it behooves us to understand that being a Capitalist Nigger means matching brain power for brain power with our conquerors – I feel humiliated using that word.

We as a people must lay the greatest assault on the corporate world, not with arms, but with the same weapons the corporate world has employed to keep us the most impoverished people on this earth. We must employ our brains. We cannot afford to continue to be the consumers of the world. We must begin to produce products with worldwide acceptance. We must stop the blame game and embrace others’ superiority in a great many ways, while harnessing ways to see our own superiority yield fruits of success. We must admire and learn from the group of people, even though much, much less in number, who have used their superiority to conquer the world in every field of endeavor – the Jews. Rather than hate and call them names, we must embrace them to learn the secrets of their extraordinary successes in life.

By Ronnie The Great
